Ladies and gentlemen
Esteemed assorted objects in my bedroom
Pillows, pillowcases, and you, Madame Comforter
Thank you for being here tonight
I've been asked to give a speech
Regarding art
Specifically art in a fame-activated world
I'm not entirely sure
What that means...
I, personally, took it to mean
That we now live in a world
Where art, at least the sort of art I--
Oh God, I should start over
Hi, I'm Jessica Donnelly
I am the Artistic Director
Of the Peyton Theatre
Here, downtown
One of the oldest theaters in the country
Committed to producing new and--
God, now I sound like a commercial
Okay, let's--
Art in a Culture
Where fame is a second away
Theater in a Culture
Where fame is a second away
Theater is distant
What I mean is--
You go to the theater
And the actors are 'up there'
Up onstage
They're separate from you
They're distant
You're watching art being created
You're not necessarily a part of it
At least not part of the actual creation
You're a part of the experience
Whereas, with fame
You are a part of the creation
You are the creation
You create the fame
And hand it to someone
You say 'Here. This is fame'
There's a great quote someone once said--
'Fame is something other people give you. Success is something you give yourself.'
So how does that relate to art?
Well, it's the distance
The distance helps create a mystery
And the mystery
That lack of understanding
About how art is created
Helps us to, actually, enjoy it more, which is--
Kind of weird, I guess
But then again, maybe not
And art...
People now have an understanding of fame
They get it
They get how it works
They even get HOW to get it
Youtube videos
Bad behavior
Sex tapes
It used to be this idea
Of moving to New York with a suitcase
Going to an open call
And singing your heart out
Until Jerome Robbins yells from the back of the theater--
'That's it! That's who I want!'
We've gone from that
To uploading a video of yourself
In your bedroom
Lip synching a pop song
Has the accessibility of fame
Damaged the capacity to make art?
It's a little bit like believe in fairies, I guess
When people stop believing
When they truly stop believing
That the man onstage
Really IS a Roman warrior
Or a traveling salesman
Or Hamlet
Is that the death of art?
Of the art I do?
Or is it a good thing
That people now understand
The nuts and bolts
Of the--
Honey, could you make me some tea?
I have to have this speech done by the end of the night
And be able to speak it without sounding
Like I'm testifying for the defense
Tea would be good
A bagel would be great
If we have any cocaine lying around...
I...should not be doing 3am
Right now
They are filming a movie
A few blocks
From where I am
They're doing...night shoots
Right now
My city
Is littered
With movie stars
With fame
Tonight, I heard a lecture
From Ellen King
The chess prodigy
I then took in a late-night drag show
Where my husband was kissed on the mouth
By a lovely gentleman
Named Miss July
We also met one of the guys on tourWith, uh, whatever's playing at PPAC now
Probably 'The Lion King' for the thirty-seventh time
On the news, they're interviewing some kid
Who works at a movie theater
Because he waited on Nikao Brody
Yet another movie star
Apparently one skipping out
On the night shoots
My cousin, Paul
Is currently acting in a small production of "Hair"
That I saw last weekend
In this little folding-chair-and-two-lights kinda theater
And it was one of the best shows
I have ever seen
This is where I live
This, I believe, is art
Art is what is made
In a community like this
And, I'll add
To be fair
That I feel like what hurts us here
Is not our lack of fame
But our dissatisfaction with art and art alone
I feel like what hurts us
Is our insatiable desire
To break out of art
To become famous
And it doesn't help
That every once in awhile
Movie stars get shipped in
To give us a taste
Of what we're not
And we go a little crazy
We're not famous
We're artists
We have created a beautiful community
Where people can do art
Has very little to do with that
We don't know how to interact with fame
We don't know how to be famous
We're not good at fame
But art...
God, damn, ugh
We're good at it
I'll just say it
We're good at art
And I want that to be enough here
I want people to look around
And see art
And say--
That's enough
That's all we need
That's my 3am speech
Thank you, pillowcases
Good night
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