Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Model

Your husband told me
That you needed a model
But I have to admit
I was a little surprised you asked me

I've done this a few times
But I've never modeled for anyone
That I had a preexisting relationship with

Not that what we have
Is much of a relationship

But we do know each other

So how do you want me?

All right...

I thought you painted more abstract art
Furniture and ships in port
Stuff like that

I wasn't aware you'd move on
To human beings

I didn't think that was your strong suit
Based on what your husband says

Would you say that's true?

More left?

All right...

When he told me you needed a model
That you were interested in doing human forms
My first thought was--

She's coming to terms
With her fear of sex

I'm sorry--is that a personal thing to say?

It was just an observation

You can't honestly think
You're the vulnerable one
In this situation, can you?

You've got the brush
You've got the perspective
You've got my clothing
Hanging on a rack right behind you

I'd say I'm the one in danger here

Towards the light?


So was I wrong?
About the sex?

Are you scared of sex?

I just think when a woman spends all her time
Painting kitchen tables
She's trying to avoid something

Like how right now you're avoiding
Looking at my cock

I'm sorry

Does that word offend you?


It's all the same, isn't it?

And you're an artist
You shouldn't even be able to blush

That's why I like your husband
Nothing seems to shock him

I just think if you're going to paint a naked man
Why try avoiding his dick?

I mean, isn't that the point of painting a naked man?
To embrace the dick?

To capture it?

To control it?

Do you want to control my dick?

Is that why you told your husband you needed a model
Knowing full well he was going to ask me?

Maybe there's something you want to ask me...

You can, you know
Ask me

Like I said, you're the one in power

I'm just a guy with his dick between his legs
Waiting for you to look at it
So you can either have an artistic break-through
Or realize that you've seen that dick somewhere before

Maybe in those self-portraits your husband did last year
The ones that didn't quite look like him

But then again, all dicks look the same, don't they?

But you don't look that often
Do you?

You should learn to force yourself to look, you know

That's what artists do, don't they?

They look
They investigate
They discover

Unless they're too scared

So maybe it's like I said

Maybe you're too scared

Maybe you're too scared to look

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