Turn on some music
Turn on the badda ba-badda ba-badda
No, I'm not ashamed
I am a human being
With a body
That I love
That has marks
That has scars
That has traction
That has testicles
That has elbows
That has LIFE IN IT!
Loooooooooooooooooooook at me!
I did not come here
To this party
To get drunk
And sit on a couch
And bemoan my life
Moan about how I had to leave my beautiful girlfriend
Because she wouldn't let me touch her
Because she hated herself so much
She dressed me up in her own self-hatred
And then pretended I was the Big Bad Wolf
What are we doing to ourselves
When we reach a point
Where the man who loves us
Tells us he wants to write love poems on our bodies
And we reject him forcefully
Saying he's wrong?
Saying it's all wrong
Saying it's bad
Saying it's gross
Saying it's dirty
Saying it's something
That shouldn't be touched
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that
Somebody TOUCH ME!
I want to be TOUCHED
I want to be CONNECTED
With another human being
If it's sex
If it's dancing
If it's wrong
I don't care
Just somebody TOUCH ME!
I miss my Rachel
I miss curling up against her
Getting her warm
Making me warm
Being warm and hot
And all because she wore those FUCKING pajamas
To bed every night
And if I slipped my hand
Underneath those pajamas
And tried to leave my hand
Rested lightly on her waist
She'd move it away
Even in her SLEEP
She'd move it away
I'm not a SEX FIEND!
I'm not an asshole!
I know assholes are usually the ones
Who say they're not assholes
But I'm not!
I just wanted to touch her
I just wanted to constantly
Forever remind her
That I loved her
Speaking of nudity!
Here is my roommate Jason everybody
The model
The art model
Who sits naked every day
In front of total strangers
Here is a man
Who loves what he is
We should all be so lucky
No, Jason
I am not putting my pants back on
As a matter of fact--
Off with my shirt!
You know, I was massaging a woman today
At the resort
This incredibly beautiful older woman
And every time I touched her
I felt her body shrink back
She was so afraid
So afraid of having a man
See her without clothes on
Isn't it ridiculous
That we're afraid
Of being naked
But we're not afraid
Of being seen in overpriced designer jeans?
We're not afraid of learning
Exactly how to smile
So that every time someone takes our picture
We look as fake as we can possibly look
We're not afraid of lying
Or hating ourselves
Or others or others' bodies
Or ripping our hair off with hot wax
Or getting knifed by some doctor
So our foreheads look a little niftier
But laying naked out on a table
In our most natural form
I know I'm not a supermodel
But I'm not a car wreck either!
I'm not unpleasant
I'm not going to hurt you
I'm not doing anything
I'm just standing here
Naked, and very very drunk
I have stripped off
Everything but who I am
What I am
That's all that's here
Will somebody look at me?
Is this why Rachel couldn't look at herself?
We all avoid looking at each other
Until finally we can't even look at ourselves?
Please will somebody look at me
So I can call her and tell her
That she was wrong
That there's nothing to be embarrassed about
That people will celebrate her beauty one day
When the frogs fly up from the oceans
And take over the cities
And our definition of what is worthy
Is radically altered
Please somebody prove her wrong
Because if you can look at me
And tolerate it
Then you would love looking at her
Because she is much easier on the eyes
Than I am
I need somebody to look at me
I need somebody to tell me
I don't have to be ashamed
So I can call her
And tell her
And tell her
And tell her
And tell her
Until she believes me
Until she understands
She's the only girl I ever got dressed up for
She's the only girl I ever put a tie on for
She's the only girl I ever combed my hair for
And now...
I don't see the point
Without her
I just don't see the point
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