Wednesday, May 5, 2010

When He Comes Back

When he comes back
He's either going to take you or me
He's going to let us choose
Which us goes

Because he's sadistic
Because he wants us
To turn against each other

But we can't

We have to stick together
We have to stay silent and strong
Unified--or we'll both die in here

Do you understand that?

He'll put his gun to your head
And he'll tell you
To say my name

He'll ask if you want to die
And what you have to remember
Is that you're going to die anyway

Once you tell him to take me
Once you give into him
You've already made the choice to die

You're just prolonging it
You're just postponing the inevitable

So you have to stay quiet
You have to call his bluff
Because that's the only chance we have

Our only chance is if we band together

He's coming

You won't tell him to take me, will you?

You've been listening, haven't you?

Look at me
Please, look at me

Tell me you won't let him take me



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