Sunday, May 9, 2010

Off a Connecticut Highway

Off a Connecticut highway
You can ride down a road
In whatever kind of car you drive
Feeling slightly unsafe
And slightly more comfortable
Than you ever have
In your entire life

Coasting past two farms
And a mall, and a junkyard
And a dollhouse
And a yard sale
And a polka dot dress
And a shop that sells clocks
And the docks leading onto the lake
Where you wanna swim
Until your skin shrivels up
And turns baby pink

You can have your summer
And eat it too
Off a highway
In Connecticut

You can party at a house
Perched atop a rolling street
And play dodge ball past the age
Where it's normally acceptable

You can drive by a carnival ride
In the middle of a parking lot
And not think twice
Or blink at the oddity of it

You can drive through
Blue, confused
Looking for home
Looking for her
Looking for you

And you can keep driving too

Until you find yourself back
On the highway
Driving by
With a whole state
Lingering on your driver's side

Wondering why
You never stop
But just keep driving

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