Hey sweetheart!
Amazing job in the show tonight
You were spectacular
As always
Now, the reviews came out today
As you...
Might be aware of
And they were...
There were a lot of words
And some of the words were...
They were adjectives
Some verbs
Mostly adjectives
For one thing
They thought that--
They loved the show!
So that's great, isn't it?
They felt the show was very strong
Despite certain...
Oh, right you
You want to hear about you
Of course
That makes sense
Let's see...
They heard everything you said
So that's great, isn't it?
You must have projected very well
That Carol onstage with you
God, sometimes I can barely--
Right, well...
You know what they sort of liked?
That scene with you and Adam
They said--
Well, they said they didn't...hate that
Not a lot, anyway
And that's good--isn't it?
They also liked...
Well, they said that you were very enthusiastic
They said you were full of energy
They might not have used those words
But that's what they meant
The exact words?
Uh...something to the effect of...
'Careening about the stage
Like a cat on fire'
Careening! Isn't that a lovely word?
Such force behind--
Oh, sweetheart
Come out of the bathroom!
It's not all that bad!
Believe me, darling
This critic practically adored you
Compared to the other reviews!
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