Go past the lights
On Stockton Ave
See if you can outrun
The headlights
Coming up the hill
Go past the shutdown buildings
And see if you can shut down
Your body so you won't feel the pain
Of the morning gaining on your treads
And head to the beach
Or at least see if you can reach Noko
Where you can see the waves
And go brave by eating Keating's tacos
At the bold hour of 9am
Until then stay on Stockton
And I'll have people join you on your run
Gun around the town
Pouring out of closing clubs
And rubbing waists with you
To taste the sweat
You bet you wouldn't have
So soon, so soon, so soon
Zooming through the Martin tunnel
Tunneling past the last statue
That hasn't been defaced
Of whatever old dead guy
Founded this town
Grab hands and band together
So you can stand tall
When you finally fall
On the sands near the beach
If you reach there in time
It's a private beach
And once the gates open
The doors close
And you're not close enough
And the sun's coming up
And you need to run harder
Run faster
Outlast the passing night
There's safety in numbers
And the right number of people
Can keep the stars up
And the moon out
And about the time
The night gets tired
It'll fire itself up again
To befriend this ragtag group
Swooping through empty intersections
Without the protection
Of wisdom or wealth
Use your stealth to outlast your past
And forget your rights
And forget the fights
You had before you jumped off the front porch
Don't let the sun torch your ideals
Keep your eyes peeled
On the not-so-distant ocean
And motion to your group
To your friends
To your survivors
That you might just make it there
You might just make it there
You just might
So go ahead, kid
Go run yourself
Into the night
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