Monday, September 17, 2012

And This Is When We'll Be Done

In a parking lot on a Friday night
So I can have Saturday to myself

It's good to end things on a weekend
When you have two days to process

I'll just smoke a cigarette
And when I'm done, that'll be it

You gotta know when to end things
You gotta know when they're going to end

So, you know, you pick a time
A day, how it's going to happen

And you say 'So long'
And make sure you have a good run until then

You know I got dumped in the parking lot of a Target once
Not on a Friday though, on a Sunday night

The worst possible time and place
To break up with someone

I remember the break-up happened
And then I went into the store and started looking for something

I don't know what I was looking for
But the bright lights were soothing at that point

I had to go into the next week
On this sort off-balance note

And it took me a year
To get my rhythm back

That's why I said--'Next time, it'll be planned'
Like a Cesarian or someone pulling the plug

When it's time, it's time
So here we go, five years from tonight--we're done

And you gotta stick it out until then, no matter what
That's part of the deal too

Good or bad, we stick with it for five years
And then in five years, we go our separate ways

I'm not kidding, that'll be it
This is us, now, happy--and this is when we'll be done

You have an easier go of it
When you know an end's in sight

When you think you have the rest of your life with someone
It makes it harder to get along

You think you always have to fix the other person
Because if not, you'll spend your whole life looking at everything that's wrong with them

Right now, it's good
Because we're buying cookware and pots and shit

And it's the weekend
And we get to sleep in tomorrow

But one day we're going to hit a point
Where I'm throwing these pots at you

And you're calling me a bitch
And we both want out

And when that happens
I want us to be able to look at the calendar and say--

'Two more years, one more year, next month...'
You get what I'm saying?

Don't freak out about it now
It's just life

Things end

This is just a way to control it

Until then
Just finish your cigarette
And enjoy the ride

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