Friday, September 21, 2012

Setting Up Camp

This seems like a good enough spot, right?
I have no idea how to pick a good camping spot
So let's just say this is fine
And set up camp, okay?

Look, I know you didn't want to come camping
And I don't blame you

You know me well enough to know
I'm not the outdoorsy type

The thing is, camping is supposed to be good for you
Like--vegetables and not shopping, so...

So camping

We're camping

Camping will be our salvation

I didn't really have a plan
I'll admit to that
That's my first failing
As a grown-up
And a parent
I do not plan well

One day, you'll get older
And somebody will ask you about your mother
And you'll stop saying 'Well, she was crazy'
Because something will have hit you
An epiphany, or something
Maybe you'll have your own kid
Maybe that'll be what does it

Anyway, the point is
You'll have this revelation
And you'll say--

'Damn, all this time I thought my Mom was out of her mind
When really she just never had a plan
And never really worried about it
And wow, that's a much easier thing
To forgive'

I got bad news for you, kid
The whole bad-planning thing is genetic
So you better get used
To living on the fly

Am I mad I screwed up the last situation
We had going on?

Yeah, I'm a little mad about it
But trust me when I say I can tell
When a guy's about to bail
And that guy was looking at the door

Or maybe I got scared
Who knows?

I can't rely on too much anymore

Just you
Just you and me
What we have

And now we have stars
And fresh air
And the nature that so many people
Have lived off of for centuries

And I figure we can do that for about six hours
And then we'll do something else

Until then just look up at the sky with me
See if we can find some constellations

Maybe the stars will tell us
What to do next

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