Friday, September 28, 2012

She Never Saw Me Do It

Look, I just want to get one thing straight, okay?
Before you ask me any more questions
I just want to set the record right
If that's okay with you
Because I'm a little upset
By her saying she saw me do drugs
Because she's lying, okay?
She's lying through her teeth
Saying she ever saw anything
Because that's just not true

She's what--three?  --four-years-old?
And she's saying she remembers things?
What does she remember?

And that's saying I ever did anything in front of her
Which I didn't
Because I was careful about that shit
I didn't just whip out a pipe
Whenever anybody was around
I did it at a certain time
When I was a certain mood
And never when my daughter was around

You know the fucking problem with these kids
Is that they grow up
And they get ideas
Based on what other people tell them
And those ideas get mixed up in their heads
So what actually happened
And what they think happened
Based on what they've heard
All become one fucked up thing

That's why she's saying all this

And to hurt me
She fucking loves to hurt me
To hold things over my head

Because she's so perfect

And I feel like saying to her
Do you really think you'd be all perfect
If you had a fuck-up as a mother?

Not fucking likely, right?

But she's got to bitch anyway
Because everybody's gotta bitch about something
And so I'm her thing
And I get that
And I respect that
But respect my right to say she's full of shit
Because she fucking is

And it's easy for her to stand where she's standing
Because I put here there, okay?
I fucking put her there

So if she saw something
Which she didn't
But if she did

Well I guess she got over it then, didn't she?

She got over it

And now she's going back to it
Back to dead shit
Just like her father
Dead shit
Shit who never had to deal with this
Because he was fucking dead
And she's digging it up
And showing it to me
Like I didn't know it was there

I knew, okay?

I fucking knew

But it's still a million years ago
And even still I know it didn't happen

She never saw anything

Did it happen?

I mean, if you're asking
Did I do it
And did I do it a lot, well...

Well, you didn't ask me that, did you?

That, uh

That wasn't the question

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