Saturday, September 22, 2012


Stephanie's not giving me what I want
Don't tell me the sixteen thing
Sixteen, sixteen
Is she a professional or not?
How many years has she been doing this now?
This isn't something where you can improve then regress
She got it, she had it--where the fuck is it?
Why am I looking for it?
Why do I find myself looking for it?
When it should just be there

When we hire her to have it there
On cue, on demand, for us
Ready to go

I mean, what the fuck?
What the fuck am I supposed to do
About a crying sixteen-year-old girl?
I was expecting a professional
I was expecting a model
Not a baby, okay?
Not a fucking baby

You know, I wasn't going to say anything
Because, whatever, this is a commercial ad
This isn't high fashion
We can fuck with the photo afterwards
But...she's put on weight

I don't want to give her a complex or anything
But she's put on weight

So if this boy, this Italian--whatever
If he dumped her
I don't know, maybe that's why
That's her business
That's her personal business
The client wants her for this
I'm not going to say 'No'
And I like Stephanie
But I've had an easier time shooting her
Even before she ran into the dressing room
And started crying like a two-year-old
Because I can't get a good shot of her
Because she's been complacent

Girl gets a boyfriend
And suddenly the pounds pack on
And I've seen it before, believe me

Then the boy leaves
The girl's heart-broken
And she doesn't even have her career
Because she's fat and washed up
And she dropped out of high school
And it happens like--(Snaps.)--that

That would break my heart
I mean, if that happened to Stephanie
I've known this girl since she was fourteen

I gave her her first drag

'Here, Steph, don't tell anybody.  You did good today.'

Back then we really had something on our hands
She was something, she had something
She could have had any boy she wants
And now look at her

Fucking done already
Because she couldn't get a handle on herself

Tell you what
Send her home

I'll get someone else for this
And I'll have somebody call the client
Explain the situation

I'll have somebody better here in an hour

That's the thing she's gotta learn
There's always somebody else
You can use

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