Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who My Father Is

She made a comment
A, uh, I mean I don't know why
Anybody would make that kind of a comment
Or a joke or whatever, anyway
I mean, it's 2012 for godsakes
And people are still just telling racist jokes
In mixed company, or even non-mixed company?
I mean, Jesus Christ
People still think that's a good idea?
Are you kidding me?

And I'm in Boston, by the way
It's not like this happened in, you know, somewhere where this would be--
No, the truth is, I mean, it's not acceptable anywhere really
But I mean, this is a nice restaurant in Boston
And it just seemed really out-of-left-field
And I'm there with my boss
So what am I going to do?
Just stop everything
And be like--I'm offended?

Well, I don't
But it doesn't mean I'm not offended
It doesn't mean that at all
But if I say anything
Then I have to explain
Who my father is
That he's black
That jokes like that really put me off

But, you know, I shouldn't need to
I shouldn't need to explain anything
And that's part of why I don't
Because somebody else should
It shouldn't all be on me, you know?
Why is nobody else offended when this woman
This stupid woman who's giving the company, like, a little bit of money
Is making these awful jokes
Like, is this what we've come to?

I want to ask that
I want to be like
Is this what we've come to
As a company, but really also, as a group of people
That we're all just going to sit here
And not say a word
While this person
Spews this racist bullshit
And because I'm half-black
Somehow it's my responsibility
To do something about it?

I mean, I just kind of think
That's unfair
To put that on me
You know?

It just seems like it shouldn't be
All on me

So I just say nothing

Because I shouldn't have to, you know, say anything

That shouldn't be all on me

If something like that happens
And I want to sit there
And be quiet about it
I should be able to
And somebody else
Should have to say something

I mean, that's fair, right?
To me?

I mean, wouldn't you say
That's fair?

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