Tuesday, September 25, 2012

From Right to Left

I don't know, it was just the craziest thing
I'm a very pragmatic person
Very realistic, straightforward
And then I'm out on this date
And it's, like, going okay, I guess
I mean, it wasn't the best date I've ever been on
And then we go outside
And he's like, 'Can we stop at the store?  I'd like a candy bar.'
And something about that was so...
I don't know
I found it to be...cute

Like, he wanted a candy bar
That's cute, right?
I thought it was cute

And he had this ridiculous scarf on
I mean, it was huge--it was like a boa constrictor
And I said--'Nice scarf by the way'
And then something, the ice I guess, just sort of...broke
And he had his arm around me
And I was laughing

I really don't know what you'd call it
Because it wasn't love at first sight
I mean, we made it through a whole dinner
Without even being mildly interested in each other
And then a candy bar request
And a scarf insult
And suddenly we're in love

I mean, we wound up on the quad
Near the chapel
On the stone steps
Which were freezing
And he's hugging me
And he's warm
And I'm just like--'I love you'

And he's like--'I love you too'
Which is so crazy
Because I sort of having to believe
That he can see
How totally messed up I am
But he still, like, signed on, you know?

I mean, I believed him
I really believed that, like, he was in this
Like he was really in this
And it didn't take him long either
And that whole thing is just--

I was very moved, I guess
I mean, how many times in your life
Are you actually moved?

But I was
I was moved

People talk about love
And what love is
And they come up with, like, metaphors and stuff
To describe what it feels like

For me
It felt like my whole life
I'd been reading from right to left
And then someone just said--

No, it's this way

And suddenly--Bang!

I can read

It was really simple
And that's what I tell people now
How simple it is
Or should be
Or whatever

It should feel like somebody just gave you the best advice of your life
And for once
You actually took it

You said--

Okay, I'm in

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