Friday, September 14, 2012

Geena Davis and Sigourney Weaver Discuss Television

Geena Davis:  I'm so excited it's Fall again and the new tv season is beginning.  It reminds me of when I had a television show.
Sigourney Weaver:  Was that the one where you were marooned on an island and then you got eaten by a polar bear?
Geena Davis:  No, that was Lost except not at all.  I was in Commander in Chief.
Sigourney Weaver:  Oh, I did something like that.  It was a miniseries called Political Animals.  Of course, mine was a mini-series, not a television show.  Hahaha I would neeeever do a television show hahaha oh goodness, no.  I mean, what if it got cancelled?  I'd mortified.  I mean, I'd probably just throw myself onto a steak knife or something.
Geena Davis:  ...My show was cancelled.
Sigourney Weaver:  I know!  Hahaha oh my god, I'd be mortified.
Geena:  You said that.
Sigourney:  Just mortified.  I don't know if I'd be able to speak or act or breathe ever again.
Geena:  At least I was the President.
Sigourney:  You weren't really the President.  You were just playing the President.
Geena:  No, I really was the President.
Sigourney:  No, you weren't.
Geena:  I think I was.
Sigourney:  That's--
Geena:  Were you the President?
Sigourney:  No, I was--
Geena:  Were you playing the President?
Sigourney:  No, I was playing the Secretary of State.
Geena:  Ha!  They wouldn't even let you play President.
Sigourney:  It doesn't matter because you weren't really the President.
Geena:  But at least I got to play the President.
Sigourney:  For three episodes and then you were cancelled!
Geena:  In my mind, I'm still playing her.  Just yesterday I sat at a desk and declared war on Nebraska.
Sigourney:  You can't declare war on Nebraska.  It's part of America and you're not really the President.  Do you think you really are every role you've ever played?  Who are you?  Sean Penn?
Geena:  I do, in a way.  Just yesterday I woke up and felt like making love to Brad Pitt.
Sigourney:  There's nothing unusual about that.  The questions is, do you ever wake up and feel like making love to William Hurt?

(A beat.)

Geena and Sigourney:  Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggggggggoooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Geena:  Oh just the thought--
Sigourney:  But in the movie--
Geena:  Why do you think they gave me that Oscar?
Sigourney:  Ah, well, suddenly it all makes sense.
Geena:  Do you think you'll ever do tv again?
Sigourney:  That depends on how well Avatar 2 and 3 do.
Geena:  Didn't you die in the first one?
Sigourney:  I guess I'm coming back as a ghost or something.  I don't know.  I didn't think anybody paid attention during those movies.
Geena:  Normally I don't pay attention during any movies, but the pretty colors kept me interested.  That James Cameron is a genius.  Do you think he'd work with me?
Sigourney:  Not a chance.
Geena:  Ah, another disappointment.
Sigourney:  Do you think you'll ever do television again, Geena?
Geena:  Why, Sigourney, I'm on television right now.  In my mind, I'm Murphy Brown and you're Faith Ford and we're about to engage in hijinks.
Sigourney:  Goodness, it must be nice being you.
Geena:  Oh, it is, Sigourney.  It is.

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