Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Zach, don't make this more than it is
It's not anything to get upset about
Hell, it's kind of funny
When you think about it
And at the same time
You don't want to think too hard
Or you'll get mad
So let's just put a hold on thinking
Until we can sort this all out, okay?

You can't get all quiet
And lock yourself in a room
Just because two people you like
Wound up together

If anything, it makes sense
You like them
They like each other
That's not so shocking, is it?
I mean, it's not, is it?

But the response
The healthy response
Is not to become a hermit
And avoid human contact
And or compassion
Or, you know, everything
You can't just stop everything
And retreat in on yourself

See, this is why I was worried about you
Because I knew that you weren't strong enough
To be trying to get this piece written
And still go out, encounter people
Engage in them
And then come back here
And be unscathed enough
To get something substantial down on paper

I mean, you were really playing with fire there
And so a burn--what we have here is a burn
Burns heal just like anything else
They just hurt more beforehand
And that's what you're experiencing
And that's totally natural

But this just sort of has to be one of those circumstances
Where you tell yourself--I really have no right to be upset
Because you really don't, Zach
And I'm not taking sides here
But they're right
You really have no right
To be angry at them

And as your friend I really have to let you know that
And say--Move on

So move on
It's the only healthy option

But yes, of course
Cut them out of your life if you need to

I mean, honestly
Who needs friends like that?

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