Tuesday, December 13, 2011


You looking for your Americana?
I got it for you, brother

Sister raised me twice
Once as a kid and once when I screwed up
And had to start over
Thirty years later

You want Americana?
This is your Americana

Whores and cupcake wars
Drugs and tug-of-wars

Picnics and teddy bears
And Civil War history
Just for fun

PBS and PBJ's
Pajamas on bananas
And gays and straights

I got caught in the 408
Wondering what my phone number is
So much stored, so much ignored
So much I don't need to know anymore

My sister raised me in a one bedroom apartment
On the west side of town
And sometimes when I wanted to feel fancy
I'd walk five blocks
To the heart of the city
And walk into nice restaurants
Sit around like I was waiting for a table
Or for my family to show up
And celebrate something with me

It's funny, really
How long they'll let you sit there
Before they ask you if anybody's coming

Is anybody coming?
I don't know, boss, you tell me

Say, tell me something
Where's my John Henry, huh?
Where's my Paul Bunyan?
Where's my Johnny Appleseed
Spreading the American Dream to me?

Where's my State of Liberty?

Did I delete her number from my phone?
I always get the hang of one thing
Just as they're inventing another
And one day I'm going to get sick of getting the hang of things
And once you reach that day
You've given up studying

But for now, I'm still in it
I'm still in Americana

Not America, you see
America's a good place
A nice place

With farms and chickens
Pet kittens and ironic slogans

Irony is something
I could never afford

America is a place
I could never afford to live

Americans people
I just can't forgive

But Americana is something
I can be a part of

A culture, a question
A quest I'm on

Something that flows
Through my dirty blood

A flag and some stripes
Look pretty nice

But the stars are what
Helped me bring back twice

My sister didn't teach me about Washington and Lincoln
But about war and rights

And what it means
To put up a good fight

She taught me to say Americana
Like it's a word Americans can't say

Twenty dollar magazines
That come out twice a year

Rushmore and L.A.
Burritos and beer

Fruitcakes and nutjobs
And unwarranted cheer

I'm not sure what I'm doing
I'm not sure why I'm here

I fall asleep on a couch
Looking out past a fire escape
Onto a city
I love and fear
And think about leaving
Almost as much
As I think about dying here

This is my Americana
This is where I belong

This is why I'm broke
And this is why I'm strong

Here's where I learned
To play ball and tell time
To steal and to shout
To write and to rhyme

And sometimes I work it
And sometimes I quit

But I'm still American
I'm still legit

And no matter what my license says
Or where I happen to be
A resident

It doesn't matter how little I have
Because I know deep down

I'm an Americana President

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