Thursday, December 29, 2011

When We Left Harvard

When we left Harvard
We started companies
That did things
We can't explain to you
But they were good things
Big things
Things that changed the world
Things that made us money
Lots of money
And we were still young enough to appreciate it

When we left Harvard
We moved to cities
Various cities across the country
Some exciting
Some not-so-exciting
And we rented white apartments
And filled them with random furniture
And bought the newest laptops we could find
And began writing epic American novels about students who go to colleges like Harvard
And then move to random American cities
To write epic American novels

When we left Harvard
We married girls from Harvard
And had Harvard babies
Who will grow up to idolize Harvard
And will get into Harvard
Or else risk being Disappointing to us, their parents
Forever Disappointing
With a capital 'D'

When we left Harvard
We were confident
We were forward-thinking
We were hungry
Above all else, we were hungry

When we left Harvard
We learned new languages
That only Harvard grads could understand
And we spoke it quickly and fluently to each other
And ceased speaking
To anybody else

When we left Harvard
We never finished those epic American novels
Well, one of us did, and he became the toast of literary American
But the rest of us squandered our youths
And cried into our laptop keyboards
Until they were destroyed

When we left Harvard
Our hunger turned into something else

Something else

And now fewer and fewer of our kids
Are getting into Harvard
Despite being legacies
Because there simply isn't room

There isn't room
For anymore Harvard people in the room

We feel like the Sneeches
From the Dr. Seuss book
We want to be able to distinguish
Between real Harvard people
And the newer Harvard people

The newer people with less ambition
But more resources

Less drive
But more money

Less knowledge
But more access to the knowledge
That we've uncovered for them
So their lives could be easier

We want them to be the Harvard people
Without stars upon thars

They are NOT real Harvard people

We are Harvard people


We never really left Harvard

A part of us stayed there
In those hallowed halls
And raucous bars
And study halls
And spacious libraries
And ivy-covered dormitories

We go there in our dreams
And we picture large, ancient books in front us
And we open them
And they tell us things

They tell us
What we need
To do

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