Charlie used to come by my house
Every weekend
To mow my lawn
While his brother did stuff around my house
His mother would send him over
Because my husband died
And since then, I needed a little help
I would always want to bake things for the boys
But Charlie's mother explained
That they were allergic to chocolate
So I had to work around that
Then one day, I saw Charlie
Sitting out on my front step
Eating a Nestle Crunch bar
And I got all nervous
And yanked it right out of his hand
'Charlie,' I said, 'Your mother says you're allergic to chocolate! Why are you eating this?'
And he got sort of mad
And said--
'I'm not allergic! My brother is!'
I was so mixed up
I called his mother
And she said that Charlie actually wasn't allergic
But his brother was
And she didn't want his brother feeling bad
So she wouldn't let either of them eat it
I thought that was the stupidest thing
I ever heard of
But I didn't say anything
Because they weren't my kids
But I did start baking Charlie chocolate treats
Every time he'd come to my house
I didn't believe in arguing with a mother
About the way she raises her kids
But I also believe that won't you don't know
Is probably for your own damn good
When that little brat of a brother of Charlie's
Ratted me out to his mother
She called me all upset
Saying that I was out of line
I told her that it was clear as day
That Charlie was going to have a harder road to travel in life
Than his brother
As it was, his mother was already dumping on him
By making him mow my lawn
When all his brother had to do
Was take out my trash and watch tv with me
He wasn't as handsome as his brother
Or charming
Or anything like that
I said if all he had over his brother
Was the ability to eat a chocolate brownie
Than it was wrong of her
To deny him that
After that, she stopped sending the kids by
But Charlie would still sneak over
Every now and again
And we'd watch tv
And eat Nestle Crunch bars
And have a grand old time
I'm not sure his mother ever knew about that
But the way I look at is--
Sometimes your parents
Don't always know
What's good for you
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