Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Imaginary Invalid

I’ve never had a director
Actually threaten me
With physical violence
Until Enrico became the Artistic Director
Of the Orpheus Theater

Oh sure, Beau would scream at you
And Beth would pretend to cry
To make you feel guilty
But Enrico was the only one
I truly feared

Our twentieth season was supposed to be this big celebration
Because, you know
We were a theater
In America
For twenty years

That’s an accomplishment, you know?

And Beau should have been there for it
But they kicked him out because of the accident
And so instead, we were stuck with Enrico the Freak-o

And man, did he hate me
Which was fine
Because everybody else hated him
But he really tried to make my life miserable

It didn’t help that business was bad
Because Enrico kept picking these awful shows
And then tried to make them
As shocking as possible

Anyway, you can hear all that
From anybody
This is supposed to be personal to me, right?


The last show of the—

Ugh, I’m really not proud of this, but…

It was spring, 1983
And we were closing the season
With The Imaginary Invalid

The day before we opened
We had this massive note session
With Enrico
Where he basically told all of us
That we were the worst group of actors
He’d ever seen
And I thought ‘Oh thank God he’s not just picking on me’

But sure enough
A second later
He zeroed in on me

‘And you,’ he said, ‘You. Are. Worthless.’


Have you ever had someone
Call you worthless before?

I mean, really, think about that

Has that ever happened to you?

I’m just an actor, you know?
All I do is act
It’s all I’m good for
And to be called worthless, it’s like…

Enrico hated actors
I mean, he hated them

And I never understood
How someone
Whose only job
Is to work with actors
Could hate doing that so much
And still keep doing it, you know?

I mean, maybe it’s not a director’s only job, but fuck
C’mon, you know?

I’m not your enemy, man

That’s what I wanted to say to him
I’m not your enemy

I got sick over it

I couldn’t go on the next day

I was backstage
And I just thought about it
And I said ‘No, I can’t do it’

Why bother

Why go out there
So this guy can come backstage afterwards
And tell me how much I fucked up
And what a disgrace I am

So I said ‘No, I’m not putting myself through that’

That’s why I told the SM
And the SM, who was really nice by the way
Did her job and went and told Enrico
Who flew backstage
Like, on a tear
And lit into me
About how unprofessional I was
And in Serbia or wherever the fuck he was from
Actors went onstage with missing limbs
Blown up on landmines
In their dressing rooms
Or some shit like that

We found out years later
That Enrico was from Connecticut
And that our asshole Board
Had hired him
Without doing so much as a background check

Go figure

Anyway, he railed at me
In that fake fucking accent of his
Until finally I just had it

I punched him

I mean, I really punched him

Punched his lights out

And I walked

Walked right out of the theater

A lot of people left the acting company
When Enrico was running it
But I was the only one
Who had the balls
To actually knock his lights out

And it…It reminded me, you know, that—

I’m tough, okay?

It’s easy to pick on actors

We’re the ones up there
Putting our shit on the line, okay?
And that’s the opposite
Of fucking worthless

I should have said that to Enrico
But he was unconscious the last time I saw him
So I never really got the chance

I hear he moved back home
After the Board fired him

That’s why every night
Before I go to sleep

I ask God
To protect Connecticut

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