Friday, July 20, 2012


I guess I’m nervous
That actors just aren’t meant
To be parents

Like, it’s just one of those professions
You know?

Like, I hear about surgeons
And how they’re never around
Or these crazy business people
Who spend every waking minute
At their office
And I think—

Why do those people have kids?

But why do I have kids, you know?

We were doing Medea
In 2007, the fall
And my son was just starting school
And my husband is at the police academy
And my lines weren’t sticking
And I thought—

I should give one of these things up
One of these things
Should go

And do you know what’s weird?

And by weird, I mean, unacceptable?

When I thought of each thing
Like, in terms of
If I could go back in time
And change one thing

--I’m not sure I’d change the fact
That I’ve been in love with theater
Since I was eight years old


Would I not have met my husband?
Would I not have gotten married?
Would I not have my daughter?

Compared to theater
Those things seem…negotiable

And, you know, that kind of thinking
Is prized by the people I work with
By the directors who work with me
They can tell
That I would give everything up for this
At a moment’s notice

But I feel like regular people
Normal people
Would just look at me in horror
If they knew
How much I was willing
To sacrifice

So what does all that mean?

That to be a good actress
I have to be a bad wife?
A bad mother?
A bad person?

You say you’ll do anything
And then someone shows you anything
And you think…

Can I do that?

Am I capable of doing that?

I might be, you know?

That’s the scary thing

To keep this
This thing that I’ve loved
Almost my entire life

I just might be capable
Of anything

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