Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Visit

In 1990, I was in The Visit
Which was the opener
For the 28th season

Something about that show
Just sort of…got under my skin

I remember, uh, that I didn’t have a really big role in it
But I remember feeling like it was
Uh, really getting to me

Some shows just don’t sit well with you, you know?

But this one…

I was never one of those
Spirit-y, ethereal
Vibes and auras kind of actors

I mean, I didn’t really judge others
For being that way
It just wasn’t my thing

Jim, who a lot of people hated
But who I got along with okay
Was the Artistic Director at the time
And when we were doing The Visit
He pulled me aside one day
And asked me if I was all right
Because I looked…

God, I looked awful

I used to go home to my apartment
Which was like, two feet from the theater downtown
And I’d just sit on my couch
And stare at the wall in front of me

Quoting these lines from the show
That weren’t even mine

‘The world made me a whore, now I’m making it a brothel’

I don’t remember when I started having the men over

It might have been while we were still in rehearsal
But I remember applause
When I think back on that time

I remember always being applauded for something
And then bowing
And then the darkness
When the lights would go out

That theater was so scary
In the dark

It was like two different places

I remember lying in my bed
With someone’s head on me
Right on my chest
Every night
A new person
And cash on the table in the kitchen

Cash I didn’t need
Can you believe that?

I tell myself that whatever was going on at that time
Wasn’t the fault of the show

Because that would be crazy
The show isn’t even about whores really
It’s just a line, you know?
One line from a play
That I had a bit part in

I remember being in a living room
When I was a kid
And my mother would be sleeping
It would be a Saturday
And I’d be watching cartoons
And the morning would turn into the afternoon
And sports would come on
And I’d go to get my mother
Because I’d be hungry or bored or whatever
And there’d be a man in my mother’s bed
Always a different man
And sometimes…

Sometimes I’d sneak a five
Off the stack of bills
On the kitchen table

. . . . .

When the show was over
All that ended with it

Which doesn’t sound accurate, right?

Sounds like a quick fix?

Well, there are no quick fixes

But sometimes, people are, if only momentarily
Able to stop themselves from drowning

Being in that play was like drowning
And when it was over
I was back in the boat

Except this time
I could see the holes in the boat

I could see that eventually
One way or another
The boat was going to sink

But that’s true of all of us, right?

That’s why we do theater

It’s our way of shoveling the water
Out of our respective boats

Before we go down
Into the water

Into all that quiet darkness

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