Thursday, July 19, 2012

That Championship Season

Suddenly it was bad that we were successful
The finances were stable
We had a core group of actors in the acting company
And we were getting consistently decent reviews
Season after season

Not great reviews
But decent reviews

So what was the problem?

The problem is
We were boring people

We were irrelevant

And in theater
You can be a lot of things
But you have to be cool
Or a trainwreck
You have to be interesting

You can’t be…

Well, I guess you can’t really be consistent

And so success becomes your enemy
Or at least, a certain level of success

I was a business intern during the 2005-2006 season
And it astounded me
The difference
Between what we in the business office thought of things
And how people in the artistic sector thought

Our final show of the year
It was, um, That Championship Season
And it went really, really well
And all we heard from the actors
And the customers was—

We’re bored

This is boring

So the Board gives the Artistic staff shit
And then they turn around
And give that same shit to us

‘Why won’t you let us breathe?’

Suddenly we’re evil parents
Telling the kids they can’t go outside

It’s surreal

Things are going well!

Things were going so well
I got fired
Which is ridiculous
Because I wasn’t even getting paid
But somebody has to go
When people are unhappy
And at the Orpheus
Somebody is always unhappy
So somebody is always out the door
So it’s really hard to stabilize
Because you’re always in a state of transition

Does that make sense?

It probably shouldn’t

Because if you can figure it out
--And most of you probably aren’t business people--
Then why can’t the people at the theater figure it out?

I liked my internship
I had a nice girlfriend who worked in the Education department
I went in the dunk tank at the company barbecue
And from the window in the office I shared
I could see the cathedral downtown

One time I mentioned that to somebody I worked with
Somebody pretty high up on the food chain

I said, ‘Isn’t the cathedral nice?’

This massive building
Right in the middle of downtown

The person I worked with looked at me sort of funny
Then out the window that we look out everyday
And said—


I never really noticed it before.’

I’d like to say that statement surprised me
But the fact is—

It was pretty much
What I expected
To hear

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