Friday, September 30, 2011

If We Had a Car

If we had a car
We wouldn't stay in on Friday nights
We'd go driving to the city
And drink up city lights like fancy wine

We'd stop at every store
And buy things we don't need

'Would you like a toaster?'
'Why yes, I'd love one.  Thank you.'
'A red couch with purple spots?'
'Sounds lovely!'

We'll drive through neighborhoods
Filled with people we don't know
And if we see them walking
We'll say 'Hop on in'
And take our caravan out dancing
Like a brand new family
One we've made ourselves
Those are always
The best kind of family

We'd see what was going on
In every building downtown
We'd eat at every restaurant
We'd see shows at every theater
We'd say 'Hi' to everybody
And pretty soon
We'd be the friendliest people in town
With the most friends too

We'd get dinner so late
The people around us
Would all be eating breakfast
But we'd be okay
Because we'd know that we're going home to sleep
And sleep and sleep and sleep
For weeks

Because we don't have to work
Because we don't have to worry
Because we have a car
Because that's all we need
And each other
In the car

Going until we run out of gas
Or money for gas
To a place where we can park
And then run
And run until we fall down

And we bet that's where there's sand
And an ocean
And a house we can live in
Until we feel like getting back in our car

And driving home
To a house
Where it's not Friday

So we can stay there
And not feel bad

At all

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