Thursday, September 15, 2011

One Day There Will Be Golf

I know you look at him
And see a prince
But remember this

One day there will be golf

He may trek to the malls
And hold your bags
And hold the door
And pull out chairs
And write you poems

But put a 'now' at the end
Of all those sentiments

He does all that--now

And one day
There will be golf

The lovemaking may be frequent
The thoughtfulness may be constant
The birds may sing
Whenever you two
Walk by

But one day
There will be golf

One day there will be impromptu fishing trips
Spontaneous tattoos
A piercing or two

A motorcycle may appear in your driveway
Hair may start accumulating around the drain of the tub
Porn may start appearing in the computer's history
Clothing will go anywhere but the hamper

And in addition to all this
There will be golf

There will be missed anniversaries
Birthdays, opportunities for some of that
Come and go

There will be harsh words
Loud words
Words you can't take back

There will be broken air conditioners in July
Broken furnaces in February
A broken engine in the middle of a road trip
A broken arm when he falls off a ladder trying to clean the gutters
Broken, broken, everything broken at least twice

And amongst the broken items you will sit
While he goes
To golf

So yes, he is a prince
But every prince
Has the same fatal flaw

An attraction to the color green
To cool weekend mornings
Ugly clothes
Tiny white balls
And the feeling you get
When you swing just right
And something goes to its destination
With making any stops along the way

A hole-in-one

So although you'd like to have him
For those few, extra, precious hours a week

You let him golf

Because the same way you need him right now
One day he'll need something too

So let him golf

And until there's golf--


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