Monday, May 18, 2009

Parlor Tricks and Miracles

-- An illustration from my favorite children's book inspired this. I know, my church sounds a little more run-down, and there are no men nearby, but that's what your imagination is for--If you haven't cheked out the amazing "The Mysteries of Harris Burdick" by Chris Van Allsburg, I would suggest you do. It's a great for giving ideas. --

"Parlor Tricks and Miracles"

I don't know how we're going to get her down

She's up there
Held by the power of the Lord
That's what she says anyway

Oh don't look at me like that
I don't doubt the Lord's power
I just don't see why he'd extend it
To Sister Elizabeth

She won't speak to anyone
It's like she's in some kind of a trance
I could probably reach her with a ladder
But it's unbecoming for a Reverend Mother
Climbing up a ladder
Holding a broom
Poking at one of her nuns
Like a bat in the attic

And I want to figure out
How she got up there
Before I do anything

Levitation is not possible, Sister
Not outside of a cheap magic show
If the Lord were to show Himself to us
He would do so in a glorious way
Not by turning Sister Elizabeth into Cathy Rigby


Peter Pan?

How old are you, Sister?

Well, then pray for wisdom
Beyond your years

Pray that you're able to differentiate
Between parlor tricks and miracles

What you're looking at now
Is a trick
A very cruel trick
Played on Sister Elizabeth
To make it seem like she'd been divinely inspired

And this trance of hers
Is brought on
By the force of her belief
The poor thing


No, I don't see any wires
Where would anyone get wires anyhow?

No, there are no wires
But that doesn't mean it's not a trick
They might have put here on some sort of
Plastic, see-through platform
Held up by some sort of special rope
Hung down from the ceiling of the church

After all, this is an old church
There are rafters
I'm sure someone could--


Why on earth would you all go up there?
Did I give you permission to do that?
You could have all been killed!

Is THAT how Sister Margaret broke her arm?

She thought she could what?
Float like Sister Elizabeth?

This is ridiculous
I'm watching over
A group of the Lord's servants
Who think they're Sally Field


The Flying Nun?

No, I'm NOT talking about Sister Margaret
Try to keep up, Sister

I wonder if we should get her a chair
She must be tired up there
It's been hours

If Father Montgomery walks in here
And sees her up there
She better be holding a feather duster
And using it vigorously
Because otherwise his heart is going to give out
And then who'll do the mass?

And the parishioners!
I didn't even think of them!
They can't see her like this
They'll be as hoodwinked
As Sister Elizabeth is herself

Oh, Sister, stop asking me that!

I don't know how she's up there!
And I don't care!
It's a ridiculous prank
And you're all foolish for falling prey to it

When I was younger
I served in hospitals
Veterans' hospitals
Men who had seen war
Famine, degradation
The worst that humans could do to one another

And yet they maintained their humanity
They got up everyday
They were polite
They said 'Yes, Sister' and 'Thank you, Sister'

That was a miracle
Those men were miracles
I will not accept a levitating nun
As a sign of God, Sister
Because I have seen the signs
That God is great
And you'd have to fly Sister Elizabeth
A lot higher
To impress me


I suppose if it works
It works
If it makes people look up
If it makes them believe
That God has the power
To lift them out of their lives
And up into the air
Closer to Him

Then why not leave her up there?

I can't explain why she levitates
Just like I couldn't explain
Why those men
Managed to keep themselves sane
In the most insane circumstances

Perhaps I lost the ability
To find my faith
In moments of uncertainty

Maybe if I could find it again
I'd find myself unburdened
Light as a feather
Right up there with Sister Elizabeth

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