I hit eight red lights on the way here
Eight red lights
Every single light
Between my house and your house
Turned red
As soon as I got near it
But guess what?
We're still going out
Tonight there was a triple feature on--
Breakfast at Tiffany's
An Officer and A Gentleman
And Pretty Woman
Turner Classic Movies
Begged me to stay home
But guess what?
We're still going out
I broke two nails today
The heel on my favorite shoes came off
My father informed me
That he's marrying a girl
Two years younger than me
But guess what?
We're still going out
I haven't eaten
I am tired
I am decked out
In clothes that smell like chicken nuggets
But we are going out
We're going out tonight
Because we are in our prime
Because our boobs are still perky
Because we don't have boyfriends
Oh please
Your boyfriend's in Michigan
He might as well be invisible
The point is
Just because we have day jobs
And responsibilities
And underlings who report to us
At 7am five days a week
Does NOT mean
That we can't have fun
On a gorgeous night
When we don't have to be up
Early the next day
Remember fun?
Remember when we used to have fun?
Remember when TWO YEARS AGO?
How did we become so boring
In two years?
It takes some people a lifetime
To become boring old women
We've done it
In less time
Than it takes
An elephant to give birth
There should be a baby elephant
Named after our dead social lives
I know I'm just as much to blame as you are
But today I was driving home from work
And I felt something
Something in the air
That feeling
That feeling like it was a good night
Like it could be a good night
You know
When you feel that hum
You drive by restaurants
And you smell great food
And you want to eat it
And not care if it's soaked in fat
When you're not mad
At how bad the roads are
Because it feels like everyone is going somewhere
Going out
Going to a party
Going somewhere you can go too
When you get home
And even your apartment
Your tiny little apartment
That normally welcomes you back
Seems to say--
What are you doing here?
Go out!
That was how I felt tonight
I felt like my life
Was out there
Out in that city
The glowing one
With the lights
The ones we used to dance under
Before we were afraid of getting mugged
We always say that we thought
We were invincible
But do you ever think
That maybe we WERE invincible
BECAUSE we thought we were invincible?
We used to do whatever we wanted
And nothing ever went wrong
Now all I do is what I'm supposed to do
And I wind up with broken heels and a stepmom
Who wants the Jonas Brothers played at her wedding
I don't want to make a fool of myself
I don't want to get arrested
I just want to have fun
I want to dance under the lights again
My whole life
I felt trapped
And neglected
Like there were parties going on
And I couldn't go to them
Because I didn't know where they were
Then I met you
And we became friends
And we became the party
All the parties I ever wanted
Became wherever we were
Then I left the party
And I don't know why
But I don't regret it
I just regret never going back
To see if it was still going on
Maybe that's what I'm scared of
Maybe we're both scared
That we'll go back there
And nobody will remember us
Maybe we're afraid
They turned off the lights
When we weren't looking
But you know what?
We're still going out
Put on your pumps
Push up your boobs
Primp and pull whatever you have to
Whatever you have to do
Because we're going out tonight
Because something telling me
That party wants us back
And I think we owe it
One more night
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