Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Simple Choice

--  Let's try something a little less sweet --

"A Simple Choice"

They told me that if I got rid of Elyse
That I could get the cover
They said they couldn't sell me
Not on the cover, anyway
Not being on the cover
Like right there, you know?

Not if I had Elyse
Because, like
Teenage girls
They hear you're married
And it's like, okay
Kill the fantasy, you know?

Because even though
There's no way
I would get with a teenage girl
Not even a really hot one
I really can't even begin to pretend
That I could get with EVERY teenage girl

So the only obvious solution
Is to sort of remain chaste
And act like I never have sex
Or do anything wrong
And I mean, I never did have sex
Until I got married
Because I believe in the power
Of matrimonial unions

But when they told me
That I would have to get rid of Elyse
It seemed like such a simple choice
You know what I mean?

I had to choose Elyse
If it were a movie
Everybody in the audience
Would be yelling at me


So that's what I did
Because that's how I gauge my decisions
I pretend I'm in a movie
And then I do what the hero would do
Because, like, he's the hero

So I chose Elyse
And that was, like, three years ago
And um, I guess looking back
It wasn't, really...

The best decision

Because, I mean, if I had gotten the cover
I would have been famous
And I mean, I would have missed Elyse
But I would have been missing her
And famous

Now, she's a total bitch
And I can't stand her
And I want a divorce
And I'm pretty sure I like boys
And I'm not even famous

So I mean, what the what, you know?

Simple choice?
Not so much
You know?

I guess I've been watching the wrong movies
I need to watch more complicated movies or something
Like, independent movies
Where people do bad things
Like leave their bitches
So they can be famous
And have mad sex with other gay famous people
Who might be more prone
To doing it with guys who can be discreet

You know?

It's just like--
I would have missed her
But I would have had money
I would have had a hit single
I would have been on the COVER
And that stuff never goes away


Yeah, it goes away
But money doesn't
As long as you're not stupid
And watch how much coke you do
You know, budget yourself

But wives?  They go away
They go away before they even leave
And you're laying in bed
Hard cause you just watched The Soup
And Joel McHale...God, you know?
And she's laying there
And you're like--

I could have been on TEEN FUCKING MAGAZINE

And that would have been FOREVER
FOREVER, you know?

But I chose her
I gambled
I gambled on love
And I lost
Man, did I lose

Like, hardcore

It was a simple choice
It was such an easy choice
When you think about it
And I just chose wrong

That's all there is to it

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