Friday, October 9, 2009

Horrible Show, Great Parties

The show was completely miscast
And the thing is
Once you have a miscast show
You might as well go home

Word gets out
Cast list gets posted
Bad buzz starts
And the show's over
Before it even began

And this show was beyond miscast
It was beyond
It was above and beyond miscast

From there on in
It was the epitome
Of shit show

People showed up to rehearsals
Wearing berets for absolutely no reason
There were shouting matches had
Between actors in the show
And the guy who owned the KFC across the street

Musical numbers were added to intermission
To try to stop people from leaving

Cast members dropped out
They were replaced with puppets
Who looked a little bit like them
But not really

Somebody brought a puppy to the show
And it turned out to be a local reporter
Doing a story on bad theater

Everyone felt really betrayed
By the puppy

They kinda didn't get what happened

By the time show opened
It wasn't even really a show
But a series of vignettes
That resembled a French film
From that time
When French cinema made no sense

That's how they worked in the berets

So yeah, it was a disaster

A trainwreck
A plane crashing into the train
Trapped in a flash flood
With leprosy breaking out
In the caboose

But let me tell you something
Let me tell you something, my friend
Though it was a horrible show

Those were some great fuckin' parties

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