Monday, October 12, 2009

How Do I Get You To Me?

You know, I look at you
And all I can think is
How does someone like you
Get to be you?

It's sort of like Abraham Lincoln
How does someone become Abraham Lincoln?
How does that happen?

I'm worried
Because it's getting to the point
Where you're becoming less of a person
And more of an ideal

And I don't want that to happen
Because you can't love an ideal
You can strive for it
But you can't love it

I just want to know
How I get you to me

Because right now
You're so far from where I am
I can barely see you

Do I have to write every day
Until something I put on the page
Strikes something in you
Makes you sit up and say--

'This! This is a person who understands me!'

Do I need to write the most beautiful song
You've ever heard in your life
One that you can't stop playing

Do I need to make myself so famous
So internationally
Undeniably successful

That finally I'm able
To be with the ideal?

Just tell me
How do I get you?

How do I get you to me?

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