Saturday, October 17, 2009

Your Man or Your Role

You're walking out of here today with one thing
And with only one thing
Let's be clear about that

Just like I'm walking out of here with one thing
And with only one thing
Let's just be clear

Don't think greed is an option either
You are going to make a choice
As to what
You'd like to leave with

And you will stand by that choice

I can either walk in that room
And blow you right out of the water
Guaranteeing that you are not getting that role
And send you packing
With your pretty little boyfriend
Standing by your side


I can go in there and blow it
And you'll get the role
And I get the boy

Now, I'm not asking you to GIVE him to me
I'm willing to work for him
But be assured, if I put the work in
I will reap the rewards

You'll have your moment in the spotlight
And I'll sit in the wings
Cheering you on
And then I'll go home
With my new guy

So it's up to you

Do you want your man or your role?

Oh, don't look so angry
Just consider yourself lucky
I'm not taking both

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