I knew the mustache was fake
I knew the language he claimed to speak was not French
But merely a bastardization
Of Pig Latin and Klingon
He didn't really know how to dance
He made love like an overeager sailor
He broke my heart
And kept going
I was almost impressed
I didn't know that was possible
I knew that when he said 'roommate' he meant 'mother'
I knew that when he said 'love' he meant 'like'
I knew that when he said 'beautiful' he meant 'you'll do for now'
I knew he was a liar
I knew he was a bad liar
I knew he wasn't bad enough
To get me to leave
I knew he'd never actually finished the book he said was his favorite
Or watched the movies he claimed to love
And I knew that he hated my grandmother when he met her
Because we all hate my grandmother
And the test of whether or not a person has merit
Is whether or not they have the balls to admit
That she's a horrible old shrew
I knew he hated her
But he smiled at her
And let her slap him several times
Claiming he reminded her of someone
Who attacked her once
I said--'She was never attacked. She just really likes slapping people.'
I knew he'd burp--a lot
I knew he'd forget our anniversary--more than once
I knew he'd never be a good dad--and that really killed me
I knew a lot
But what I didn't know?
What I didn't know
Should be what you call this
This, this thing you're writing
Don't worry about what I knew
What you know never does you in
It's that one thing that escaped you
That one thing you forgot
That you forgot to look for
Something you never even thought of
That's what always gets you
That's what always
Brings you down
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