Monday, March 21, 2011

The Lady with the Rainbow Umbrella

She could take a taxi
But she likes the walk

When she goes by the bakery
Al comes out
And gives her a cupcake
Which she eats
As she walks

She’s too old to be flirting
Even with someone her own age
But she accepts the cupcake
And tells him what a nice man he is
And when is he going to find a nice woman to marry?

He laughs at her
And goes back inside

She carries an umbrella just in case
A rainbow one
That she bought one day
When it started to rain unexpectedly

That was the last day
She was going to go out unprepared

The man selling the umbrellas
Only had black ones
And rainbow ones
So she chose the rainbow
Even though it was too flashy for her

She didn’t want to be walking
With a black umbrella

She didn’t like
How that would look

She’d choose silly over morbid
She decided, and gave the man five dollars

People think she’s walking to a cemetery
To see her husband’s gravestone
Or to jail, to see her incarcerated son

Maybe to a hospital
To see her daughter
Lying in a coma
The steady beep beep beep
Playing in the background

But the Lady with the Rainbow Umbrella
Does not have a deceased husband
Or a son or a daughter

She has a sister she sees frequently
Nieces and nephews
Grand-nieces and nephews
And enough assorted cousins
To keep her busy on holidays
And whenever she begins to feel lonely

Which, surprisingly to most people, isn’t all that often

Every day she walks to the pier
Where she gets an ice cream cone
And sits on whatever bench is free
So she can watch the waves
And the kids
Playing on the beach

People see a little old woman
Making her way through the world
And they assume there’s been tragedy
And heartache
And a sad story resting on her back

Despite the umbrella
They assume she’s seventy-five years of grief
Just waiting to go to sleep
And not wake up

And even if they could see her
Sitting on the pier
With her umbrella
Sitting quietly next to her

They’d assume she was grieving
Or lost, or in need of a friend

They could never imagine
That her whole life
This is what she’s been waiting for

Calm and quiet
A beautiful ocean
And the sound of kids laughing
And splashing each other

Ice cream
And all the time in the world

And when she gets up to go home
She opens the umbrella
And places it over her head
Even though it’s not raining

Because it makes her feel like a young girl
With a parasol
Just going
For a stroll

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