Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Maybe You're Going to Win

Maybe you got a King
Maybe, right?

Not impossible

Anything's possible, right?

It's possible you could win this hand
And win back all your money
And not have to go back home
And tell your husband
That you're here
Trying to bite a shark

It's possible

You could turn your losing streak around
Get yourself on a roll
Like the one you were on earlier
And I could walk out of here
With my tail between my trousers

Wouldn't be the first time
I've misjudged somebody

Certainly wouldn't be the first time
A woman's left me empty-handed

You know, me and my girl used to play cards

Every night before bed
We'd sit and play a few hands

Sometimes she'd be upset about something I did that day
Sometimes I'd be thinking about the new pair of shoes I found in the closet
Bought with money we didn't have to be spending

But we wouldn't say anything to each other

Not until after the hand was done

Sometimes she'd win and that meant she'd go into the bedroom
And come out wearing those shoes
Like they were going to be her prize all along

Sometimes I'd win and I'd carry her into the bedroom
Ask her if she felt like
Making love to a winner

Sometimes we'd break even
And that's when we'd really feed good

Felt right to have two people that much in love
Come out equal
On all sides

I could never bluff her out
That was always my weak spot
But her?
She never got the good cards

So she had to be tough
Had to be real smart
About how she played

But what you find is that
You can only play bad cards so far

She played her last card
Two days before our five year anniversary

Went to bed and didn't wake up

Heart problem
Something undiagnosed

Just a bad hand, you know?

Just a real bad hand

So how you feeling, Miss?

Feeling like maybe today you're going to make a comeback?
Going to beat the odds?

You got kids?

And when you were gonna have those kids
You had an idea of what you were going to have
Now didn't you?

A feeling
An instinct

I bet you had one

Now science would say
That you had an even shot
Of having a boy or a girl

Fifty fifty

But you know that's not true, don't you?

You know that deep down
It was really more one than the other

It's the same way in cards
Same way in life
Same way in winning

It should all be fifty fifty

But usually it's not

Usually you're gonna lose

So maybe you got a King, huh?


But just remember that feeling you had
Before you found out
Whether your first kid
Was going to be a boy or a girl

Same feeling I had the morning I woke up
And told myself she was sleeping
When I already knew she wasn't

Remember and tell me
How you want to walk out of here, Miss

Because you might win

But that's a maybe
That's a real maybe

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