Her ass is so awesome
I want to grab it again
Can I grab it again?
Should I?
I just grabbed it
I don't want to be spending all my time on her ass
But it's so awesome
Would it be bad if I spent all my time on her ass?
When else am I going to spend time on her ass?
Isn't that what sex is for?
To get to touch all the stuff you really want to touch all the time but can't because of society's restricting labels on what appropriate affection is?
She's moaning really loudly
Is her roommate home?
If her roommate is home then I feel bad
Should I ask if the roommate is home?
Should I care?
Ah fuck it, she's not my roommate
Could she be faking?
I hope she's not faking
Maybe I'm just amazing
But then how come nobody else has ever moaned like this?
Maybe I've just been sleeping with really quiet girls
Okay, okay, she's hurting me
The nails--the nails hurt
Does she think that doesn't hurt?
She must know that that hurts
Maybe she thinks I like it
Maybe I should make a sound indicating that I don't like it
Maybe I should go Ahhhh or Ehhhhh or Uhhhhhh
I don't want her to feel bad though but--
Owww okay, she definitely needs to stop
God, she wants me so bad
Why does she want me so bad?
Is she a freak?
I don't want to have sex with a freak
I mean, I am having sex with a freak
If she's a freak
But now it feels weird
If she's a freak
And maybe she's not?
You know who was a freak?
That girl I had sex with last night
She was--wow.
I should call her.
No, stop.
I need to just relax
...Is that a pimple...?
On her nipple?
Who gets pimples on their nipples?
That doesn't happen right?
Oh my God, what if she has gonorrhea?
Wouldn't she tell me?
Maybe she wouldn't
That bitch!
No, she'd tell me
She's not a bitch
She teaches middle school
Middle school teachers don't get gonorrhea
Maybe chlamydia but definitely not gonorrhea
But then what's going on with the nipple pimple?
Seriously, I'm really grossed out right now
I need to grab her ass or I'm going to lose this hard-on
I can't really get to it
Why is she making this difficult?
Does she not want me to grab her ass?
What else am I supposed to grab?
Her arm?
I can grab her arm anytime I want
This is sex time
Time for ass grabbing!
Should I say that?
Should I say--Time for ass grabbing!
Maybe she likes some dirty talk?
Maybe she'll respond to that?
Say like--Don't go hiding that ass on me, bitch.
Something like that?
Should I pull her hair?
I can't do anything rough to her breasts
I don't want to pop the pimple
I'm pretty sure if you pop a pimple during sex
You die immediately
You know what? I just need to enjoy this
I just need to--
Am I done?
Oh wow
I'm done
Is she done?
Well, I mean, it doesn't really matter because I'm definitely done
Wow, that was--
I should kiss her
Or, something
I wonder if she'll let me spend the night
My parents hate it when I come home this late
Plus it is my thirty-fifth birthday
I'll ask her about staying
When I come back from the kitchen
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