Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Orange Pagoda

Ricky, you at the Red House?


Your father's at the Red House!

The box!  The Blue Box!  Whatever the hell it is!  What do you want?

Ricky, hang on a sec, Marissa wanted a movie

Did you get my milk?  The milk I like?

What kind did you get?

No, no, no--don't say you just got milk

There's all different kinds of milk

That's like saying you just got a baby

There's all different kinds
You can't just say you got one
And it's like you're bringing home a snowflake
That are all the same
Because it's not

Marissa, what movie do you want?

I'm making your father go back to the store
And get me the right milk
But he can get you one before he--

She wants the one with the guy

You know, the guy?

The one that was in that movie we saw last year

He did a new movie
That's the one she wants

How the hell am I supposed to remember?

You know, the guy

The guy with the thing
Where he liked the girl
What's the name of that movie?

Well, don't get THAT one
Get his new one

Look at all the little covers next on the Yellow Hut
See if anybody's face looks familiar


What was the name of the guy?

She says it's Something B. Something

He's got a B. in his name
Look and see if anybody's got a B. in their name

Tell the man behind you
You're going to take your sweet time
Because rushing yourself gives you anxiety
And does he want your head in his lap
Rocking and back and forth
Trying to calm you down
If you have an anxiety attack
Because I'm not driving down there
Just because he can't wait five minutes
To rent a movie from the Orange Pagoda


Ricky, Marissa says she thinks there's a girl in the movie
With the guy

And it's the girl from that movie we didn't like

Remember that movie we didn't like?

Wait, I think you liked it
But I didn't

So in other words, it was a bad movie
That stupid people would like

Does that sound familiar?

Ah, to hell with it

Just bring home Beverly Hills Chihuahua
I feel like watching something artsy

And don't forget my milk!

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