I am here to save mankind
By rescuing John Connor
Before robots from the future
Can, once again, kill him in his youth
He has to come with me if he wants to--
He what?
So they beat me--Dammit!
A--a what?
A bus?
He got hit by a bus?
Was a robot from the future driving it?
What a--wow.
That's, I'm not going to lie to you, that's a real surprise
I, um, I was sort of supposed to save him
And then kill myself
As a sacrifice
To the future
But...since that's not really going on anymore...
Anybody want to go see a movie...or something?
No, no, no need to worry
I mean, I guess I should do something
Once the Robot Apocalypse happens
But the world's not going to be taken over by Skynet
For at least another ten years
So this weekend is wide open for me
Wait, when was the funeral?
Wow, I missed that by a mile
Okay, so, I'm really in the clear here
I mean, I guess I would get fired for something like this
But my boss is Future John Connor
And since he pretty much doesn't exist now
I guess I'm all right
I'd say let's grab something to eat
But I don't really eat
But I mean, you guys can eat if you want
And I'll watch and zap stuff with my laser
Oh! Laser tag! We can play laser tag!
Right? Right?
...All right, well
I'll just be hanging out here
Will you be back?
You'll be back, right?
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