Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why I Didn't Vote for Her

I didn't vote for her
Because she's a woman

And coming from a woman
I know how that sounds

But believe me
I am not one of those women
Who hates other women

That is not who I am

What I am--who I am--is a practical person
Who would actually like to see things get done
In this city

And if I'm being honest
And moreover, practical
I have to admit
That a woman is not going to get anything done

Not because she's a woman
But because men in this city
Will not listen to her

Now, I could force the issue
And, not me personally
But we, the city
The people who would--

And believe me, I would

--love to see a woman mayor

We could force the issue
And elect her
And watch her get eaten alive

Or we could continue
To try and change things
So that one day
We can have a female mayor
Who will actually be met
With no resistance
Because she's a woman

And you know, and this
This is a different thing

But what I resented
Was--I guess
Being questioned
By pollsters
About why I voted
The way I voted
And having them tell me
That I'm wrong
For not wanting to vote for someone
Because they're a woman

Now, yes, that was without
Hearing my reasons
Yes, okay, yes

But regardless--

Who are they to tell me
That I'm wrong
Because of who I want to vote for?

I wasn't aware
That, in a democracy
Voting could be wrong

And you know
That's what I love
About all these

'Get Out and Vote'


Because it's not really 'Get Out and Vote'
It's 'Get Out and Vote for Who We Want You to Vote For'

Because, really
If you're not voting the way they want
Or for reasons they find acceptable
If those people are being honest
They'd really just rather not have you vote at all
That's the truth
That's the honest truth

If I don't want to vote for someone because she's a woman
Even if it's because I'm a woman
And I'm jealous or I'm petty
Or I'm trying to keep my fellow women down
Or something ridiculous like that
That's still my right

If I want to vote for someone of my same race
Or ethnic background or sexual preference
Or belief system or religion
Or lack of religion
Or intelligence
Or lack of intelligence
Or whatever

Aren't those all the same things
When it comes to all this?

And isn't it my right
To be as biased or as prejudiced or as dumb as I want?

Isn't that why we still vote?

Because it's the one time
We can all actually make a choice
Without some politically correct asshole
Telling us how to do it
Or taking that choice away from us
And handing it to someone else
Who has more money or a better job or a fancier degree?

I'm sorry, but I'm voting how I want to fucking vote

And I didn't vote for her
And I'm not apologizing for it
I'm sorry

. . . . .

They would have eaten her alive

I know that

I know that, trust me

And if that wasn't the case

Would I have voted for her?


That's not what you asked me

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