Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cal Kelly Announces on Facebook That He's Going to Be Famous

CAL KELLY is going to be famous!!!  LOL
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Stephanie Anders - OMG what happened?
Cal Kelly - ;o)
June Avery - Yayyyyy!
Cal Kelly - Lol
Adam Denault - Did you just answer a question with a winkie face?
Cal Kelly - <3 JuneStephanie Anders - So happy for you!
Adam Denault - Are you avoiding answering the question?  If it's good news, why not talk more about it?
Cal Kelly - LOL Adam!!!  ;)  :)  :&
Adam Denault - What does it mean when your mouth is an ampersand?Melissa Rivera - Call me!

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Stephanie Anders - OMG I bet you're working with Megan Fox.  I'm going to tell all my friends that you're working with Megan Fox and then they'll tell their friends and then even if you're not working with Megan Fox you will be soon because she'll hear about it and want to work with you because that's how Hollywood works!  I know because I've seen movies that were about Hollywood and my brother was on
Stephanie Anders - an episode of 'The Big Bang Theory.'Cal Kelly - OMG Steph, I love that show!
Adam Denault - You still haven't said what you're doing.  It's probably something lame.  I should really just defriend you.June Avery - Yayyy!
Cal Kelly - June, we need to hang out once I'm done with this amazing project that's going to make me famous
Stephanie Anders - I can't wait to see your name in lights, Cal-zone-y!
Adam Denault - They don't actually have names in lights anymore.  I mean, they light up the marquee, but that's about it.
Melissa Rivera - Call me!

CAL KELLY is so grateful that I've been given this amazing opportunity.
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Stephanie Anders - Did you win an Oscar?  I bet you did.  I know they're next month but I bet they just gave you one early because you're so amazing!
Cal Kelly - Steph the Ref!  You're so crazy!  (But I probably will win one, and then I'll be so grateful, even more grateful and humble than I am now.  I'm just feeling really humble about this whole amazing thing that I've been doing with the amazing gifts that I have and that I'm grateful for)
June Avery - Yayyy!
Adam Denault - Unless you say different in the next five minutes, I'm going to assume you're doing porn.Melissa Rivera - I'm trapped on a deserted island with nothing but a laptop, a bag of pretzels, and wireless Internet--please send help!

4 People Like This
Stephanie Anders - OMG you just indicated that you were filming some sort of movie!
Adam Denault - Porn
Stephanie Anders - I just threw up because I'm so excited for you!  All I do is sit at this computer and hit the refresh button to find out what's happening in your life.  I sawed off my feet because I wasn't even using them and they kept falling asleep and how does that help me?  It doesn't.  So off they went, and you know what?  I'm glad!  And I love you!
     18 People Like ThisCal Kelly - This whole day has been so emotionally exhausting but in a really good way.  How do movie stars do it?  Haha
Adam Denault - Did they make you do it in a swivel chair?
Cal Kelly - Adam!  LOL  I'm not doing porn.  It was something else, and it was awesome.
June Avery - Yayyy!
Adam Denault - I'm still thinking it was porn.
Melissa Rivera - The pretzels are gone.  I just ate a live iguana.  Somebody please help me!

4 People Are Kind of Excited, and Everyone Else Is Underwhelmed and Feels Cheated
Stephanie Anders - It was just a commercial?
Cal Kelly - Haha yeah, but everybody starts somewhere
June Avery - Yayyy!
Stephanie Anders - Shut up, June!  I have no feet!  All those statuses were for a stupid commercial?Adam Denault - Is it a commercial for porn?
Melissa Rivera - Do you people even know who I am?
Stephanie Anders - They don't make commercials for porn!  Porn doesn't need advertising!
Cal Kelly - It was a commercial for this local barbershop.
Stephanie Anders - LOCAL?!?!?!?!
Adam Denault - Oh Steph, leave the boy his dreams.

CAL KELLY is getting free haircuts for six months.  It's awesome to get paid to act.
72 People Want to Stab Cal Kelly

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