I heard they might be letting you out soon
You got any plans if they do that?
Anywhere you think you can stay?
I'd say you could stay with me
But you know he wouldn't allow it
You can't really blame him
Our daughter's only nine
I mean, I know you're her uncle and all
But under the circumstances...
I can give you some money
As long as it stays between us
I'm not even supposed to be here right now
My husband thinks I'm getting my hair done
Don't worry
He won't notice that it looks the same when I get home
I put some hairspray in it this morning
That'll be enough to make him think
I spent six hours in a chair
Thank God men are oblivious
Anyway, I'll give you enough to put a down payment
On an apartment or something
Get you started
I mean, if you get out
It's not a done deal, right?
Well, we'll just cross that bridge when we get there, right?
It's my money anyway
I got a job now--part-time
Now that my daughter's getting older
Doesn't need her mom around all the time
I counsel girls
Girls and women, sometimes
Who've been...
Who've been assaulted or hurt
Or just want to talk
But a lot of them have been...
I just started working with this one girl
That I can't really talk about
Because of confidentiality
But she had something happen to her in college
And she just started dealing with it now
This is years later
And it just...
To have to deal with something like that
All by yourself
For all that time
There must be so much shame involved
I don't understand that
I don't understand how the girls
Feel ashamed
When something like that happens to them
Did you ever feel ashamed?
After you did it
I mean
Did you ever feel bad?
Did you ever hate yourself for it?
Or were you just...oblivious?
I started working with the girls
Because I felt like I had to do something
To...I don't know--repent, I guess?
Because even I felt ashamed
Isn't that crazy?
I felt ashamed for you
For something my brother did
And you sit here
And you've been here
All this time
And it's like you don't even...
It's like when a drunk driver hits a van
And kills a family
And he walks away with a scrape
Why is it that the person who does the most damage
Feels it the least?
I don't get it
I just don't...
You know, it was a two and a half hour drive up here
So I might as well stay as long as they let me
But if it's all right with you
I'd like to just sit
And be quiet
I do that with the girls sometimes
We just sit
And don't say anything
It helps them just to have someone there
Not expecting anything of them
Not expecting them to speak
So why don't we just do that?
Sit here and let the time run out
I think we could both use a little time
To think
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