Well, I'm settled in
That's the nice part
I'm settled
I'm relaxed
The apartment is gorgeous
And the other day
A light went out
And my neighbor came over
And saw that I needed it changed
And she called down to the main desk
And they sent someone up
To change it for me
I mean, it was just--
I mean, I'm not an invalid
I can change my own light bulbs
But it's certainly nice
To be able to have something like that done for you
If it's just something
People are willing to do
It's like I have all this
Brand new time
That I don't know what to do with
I mean, I read
I garden
Well, I think about gardening
The idea of gardening
Appeals to me
But I actually think about
Going out to the little patch of grass
Where you're allowed to garden
It just seems sort of...
You know, I made this move
This big move
And my granddaughter was helping me
And at one point I looked at her
After we had cleaned out the old house
And I just thought--
It's like it never happened
It's like my whole life never happened
The life at that old house
The memories and the...
Because I never liked photos
Never took many
Never liked the way my hair looked
In any of them
So I just gave up
I used to say--
I'll keep it all in my mind
Who knew my mind
Would fail so grandly
As a storage facility?
My granddaughter sat next to me
On the hideous couch
That came with the apartment
And we had some coffee
And talked
I guess if I had a choice
Between getting back the time I had
Or being given brand new time?
I'll look ahead
I'll just keep looking
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