Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Up Above Air

All you've gotta do
Is give yourself more time
One more breath
One more gut full of air
And you'll make it
Somebody'll see you
They won't just let you drown
They won't just let you drown like this
You just need more time

Isn't there a boy on the shore?
Didn't you see him?
You try calling out
But he's far away
And close by
All at the same time
And he's mumbling something to himself
And you can't hear him
Because the water's in your ears

Get help

You try thinking it
Thinking it so hard
He'll hear it somehow
But you go down
Down deep
Why are you so heavy?
And your lungs
They want to open up
They want to take it all in

No, no, no

You can beat this
You just need time
Where's that boy?
Where's anybody?

How long have you been under?

It can't be five minutes
Five minutes and you'd be dead
Why aren't you panicking anymore?
Because you're tired?
Who cares if you're tired?
Fight for more time

Where's the boy?
Where's the shore?
Where's the air
You just took in?

Why do you hear a clock?
Why are you convinced
That somewhere
You hear a clock?

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