My son called me in tears
A few minutes ago
Because his girlfriend
Who is visiting America
From England
Has to leave the country
Apparently her time has run out
Despite all this running around
My son did
To try and keep her here
Time's up
I was drinking my coffee
Listening to him
Trying to talk him down
Because I was just--
I mean, he was hysterical
And he kept saying 'Mom, you don't understand'
And he's young, you know?
I mean, he's been dating this girl for--
Not very long
But, you know
Don't judge him
He's young
He's a romantic
Which means
But, you know
Young and stupid
So it's acceptable
And I'm sitting here
Drinking my coffee
Listening to him
And I think of the guy I work with
Who just got diagnosed with cancer
Like, the serious kind
Like, the he-won't-be-okay kind
And he just found out this week
And I just thought--
Okay, gotta be a little philosophical here
Forgive me, okay?
I thought about how
You reach a point in your life
Where time stops being ahead of you
You know what I'm talking about?
If you don't
You will
One day
Trust me
You reach a point
Where you feel yourself falling
In time
Like, things are just hurtling past you
Events, birthdays, life
It's just--
It's just really clear
When you reach that point
That you're not going to live forever
And that life is not just short
It is fucking momentary
It is instantaneous, right?
Bang, and it's done
And here's my son
With his heart breaking
And here's this guy I know
With his life ending
And here's me with my coffee
And I can feel it
I can feel age
Like, it's sitting there with me
Watching me
Watching me realize this
And it's going--
Yup, you got it
You figured it out
And I tell my son I love him
And he's gotta get some paper signed
And he won't, but I don't want to tell him that
And I rinse my mug
And I get dressed for work
And I look in the mirror
And I try to see if I can see it
If I can see the life in me
See how much I got left
And I can't, you know?
I can't see it
And I wish I could end this
With one thing or the other
But the truth is--
I couldn't see how much
I have left in me...
And I couldn't tell
If that was good
Or bad
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