The first thing you want to do
Is sell the house
Your mother won't know what to do
With a house that size
She'll tell you she wants to keep it
Don't listen to her
Say 'Dad said, sell the house'
Then she's going to swear at you
And throw things
But eventually, she'll stop
And then you can put it on the market
Get her a nice little apartment somewhere
While you're at it
Get your grandma one too
And get her to clean out her closet
When I see my dad in heaven
I'd like him to be dressed
And he won't be
Because she has all his clothes
The important papers are under the sink
Don't ask me why I kept them there
I put them there when we first moved in
And once they'd been there for a year
I couldn't move them
Your grandfather taught me
That once something's been anywhere
For more than a year
It's bad luck to move it
He had the same opinion about people
Which is why he lived in that crummy apartment
His whole life
I don't want you living in any crummy apartments, all right?
And I put away enough money over the years
To get you started out right
Use it to get yourself some good footing
And keep adding to it
Nobody ever regretted having a savings account
You got me?
You know, I never expected to live forever
But I did think I had a few good years
Left in me still
I guess somebody had other ideas
We're not going to beat our heads against a wall
And talk about the cancer
Like it's some guy in a trench coat
We can knock out with a baseball bat
Maybe I'll beat it
And maybe I won't
But if I don't
I want to make sure
I'm not one of those guys
Who took off
Without getting everything in order first
For his family
So that's what we're using this time for
We're going to get everything in order
And then we can enjoy
Whatever time
We have left
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