Tomorrow I'm working a wedding
Which means I gotta be up early
Which means you gotta be up early
Because I'm not leaving you on my couch again
So my roommate can bitch at me
About having you over
You can't blame him
You threw up on the tv
I mean, I found it kind of funny
I've never heard of anyone
Throwing up on a tv
So maybe it wasn't funny
But it was at least original
I guess what I want to know is
When is this all going to get old for you?
This--coming here
And seeing me
And drinking too much
And crashing at my place
Or someone else's
Waking up the next day
On a couch
Or a floor
I just think...
I just think you need to wonder
When the last time needs to be
I mean, it's okay now
Because we're young enough
Where it's expected, you know?
It's expected that we'll do stupid shit
And there's no consequences for it
Because we're in college
And we work part-time
And what do we need to be functional for anyway?
An Intro to Lit class?
A five-hour shift at a restaurant
Where the priciest thing on the menu
Is deep-friend chicken fingers?
A wedding where the girl getting married
Looks a lot prettier than you?
Why be a grown-up, right?
Enjoy the time you have
To be a kid
But I wonder, you know
When does that end?
I feel like we keep stretching it back
You know, like, with each generation
It used to be that you were an adult at eighteen
Now it's after college
Lately it's been pushed to thirty
And now even the thirty-year-olds are acting like...
Like when is it time to knock it off, you know?
When's the time to say
I'm past this?
Or...I should be past this?
Well, whatever
I'll meet you back at the apartment
Key's under the mat
It'll always be there for you, you know
If you need it
But maybe you should think about
How many more times
You want to wake up
On someone else's couch
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