You're pretty, you know that?
You got a boyfriend?
You got a good boyfriend?
You're a pretty girl
Damn damn damn
I never get to sit next to the pretty girls on the train
They always put me next to the homeless guys
Who smell like piss
And ride the train
When it's raining
Scrounge up just enough money for a ticket
And then ask me for money for food
Like I don't have it fucking tough, you know?
You got gorgeous hair
My wife had hair like yours
Back when she was a teenager
Black, black, black
But she says it looked bad
I think it looked good
But what the fuck does she care what I think?
See that guy with his kid
Pointing to his watch
Teaching the kid time
That was me with my kids
That's how good a dad I was
Until they grew up
My son's a fucking space case
Don't know what to fucking do with him
And my daughter's hanging out with the wrong crowd
This crowd of girls who go out into the city
To these diners all night
Thinking they're so fucking cool
She's probably going to get murdered one of these days
And then I'll have to come up with the money for a funeral
You know I didn't want to get married when I did
I mean, I would have wanted to eventually, obviously
But not when I did
I had a lot of shit left
I wanted to do
You know?
But everybody kept saying 'It's been this long'
It's been that long
It's been too long
Get married
I should have told them
To all go fuck themselves
But you know
People rush you
And everybody's rushing
And pretty soon rushing feels normal, you know?
It feels like you should be moving faster
Like you're going to run out of time if you don't
I just wish one person had said to me--
'What's the rush?' --you know?
I wish one person had told me
To slow down
That I still had time
That I didn't have to jump into anything
I wish somebody had put their hand on my shoulder
And stopped me
Stopped me right in my tracks
Why did everybody think I was going to run out of time?
Guys like me
All we have is time
...What stop's yours, huh?
You park at the station?
I should get off with you
Walk you to your car
Nah, I'm in no rush to get home
What's home, you know?
What's so special there
That I gotta make sure
I get there in a hurry?
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