Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It All Has to Be Now

How much you wanna bet
You're going to be sitting next to that guy
With the douchebag sunglasses
On the plane?

Douchebag sunglasses
Is probably going to hit on you
Slightly lowering
His db glasses
And say something like--

'Hey, have you ever been to Morocco?'

I bet he goes to Brown
I bet he goes to Brown and majors in something
That sounds impressive
But isn't a real thing


Oh, and he writes on the side

He's working on the Great American Novel
And it'll be about a young man
Who bears a striking resemblance
To Holden Caulfield
From 'The Catcher in the Rye'

A section of his novel
Will be in The New Yorker
And you will marry this man
And live a wonderful New York life
Reading the copy of The New Yorker that he's in
Over and over again


Don't get on the plane

No, not because of Douchebag sunglasses
But because...

First of all, this is so dramatic
I mean who takes a plane to New York?
It's four hours away

Typical Rhode Islander
You can't go more than twenty minutes
Outside of the state
Without needing luggage

This would be easier
If I had a ride somewhere
To convince you
But I don't
So here's my next best option

You want to get married?

Look, I know you didn't just come back
To visit some apartment we used to live in
And experience pizza strips one last time

You can back to see if I got my shit together

Well, I did
I got it together
Just not all the way together yet

But I'm not willing to wait until that happens
Until I get you back

Look, I don't blame you for leaving
The first time

But if you leave now
I don't know if I can forgive you

Because I'm here, you know?
I'm here
And I'm telling you
I'm good

I'm not great
Not yet
But I'm good

And with time
I'll get better

But I want you here with me


So marry me
Or don't

Just don't get on the plane

Maybe it's just four hours
But it's four hours farther
Than I want to be from you

Let's get your luggage
And go back to my place
And start something

Something we didn't have before

Stop going back to places we used to live
And just live somewhere now

It's gotta be now
It has to be

It all has to be now

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